Inclusive Education- Administration

At Learning Services, we support our students through supporting our school based teams in our 23 schools in Peace River North.

We strive for inclusive values to ensure that all students feel welcome and included in their learning environment, helping them to reach their full academic, social and emotional potential. We believe that this process is most effective when educators work in collaboration with the students’ families as well as with any community and/or health professionals that may be involved in their lives.

Learning Services aligns itself with the Ministry and School District and operates on the strong belief and practice of inclusion.

Inclusion is defined by the BC Ministry of Education as:

the value system which holds that all students are entitled to equitable access to learning, achievement and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of their education. The practice of inclusion transcends the idea of physical location, and incorporates basic values that promote participation, friendship and interaction.

We recognize that each child has a unique learning style, and we therefore provide educational experiences where areas of strength are promoted, and areas of needs and challenges are developed and accommodated.

Please visit “Services” to find out more about Learning Services, and visit “Inclusive Education” to find out more about our Learning Support Model.