Transition in Adulthood

Transitioning your child with diverse needs into adulthood requires coordination and planning. It is important that parents prepare for this transition well before the child turns 19 years of age. There are arrangements that need to be made with Community Living BC (CLBC) and others to ensure that a smooth transition takes place. It is recommended by the Ministry of Education that this planning begin when your child turns 16 years of age. School staff can assist with your child’s transition by including specific goals within your child’s IEP. 

There is also a parent’s information meeting that takes place annually at the high school where individuals from community-based agencies answer questions and provide information related to this important time in your child’s life. 

The Ministry of Children and Family Development has two documents that may assist parent in the planning process: 

Your Future Now: A Transition Planning and Resource Guide for Youth with Special Needs and their Families

Transition Planning Protocol for Youth with Special Needs