Individual Education Plans

What is an IEP?

  • An IEP is an individual education plan, which as a process is an ongoing document for student that describes inclusive supports and services to be provided.

What is it For?

  • To formalize planning decisions
  • To provide evidence of individualized planning
  • To track and report on student’s progress
  • To promote a means for student and parent involvement

Who is it For?

  • A student with a Ministry designation
  • A non-designated student receiving Resource Teacher support for more than 25 hours in a school year

Who Develops It?

  • A school case manager is appointed to coordinate the development, documentation, and implementation of the IEP
  • School staff, district or staff from community agencies may be involved
  • Parents, and where appropriate, the student is offered the opportunity to be consulted about the preparation of the IEP

When is it Developed?

  • As soon as practical after the student has been identified
  • To be reviewed at least once a year

What Does it Contain?

  • Essential information about the student’s strengths, needs, and learning focus
  • Present level of performance
  • Goals and objectives for instructional and/or behavioural plans
  • Support services to be provided
  • Adaptation, modifications and strategies
  • Description of the place and the names of the personnel who will be part of the program
  • The period of time and process for review of the IEP

When you come to the Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting, you may wish to come prepared by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What are my child’s strengths at school?
  • Can I identify anything that has contributed to these strengths? 
  • What are my child’s needs at school? 
  • What are my child’s strengths at home and in the community? 
  • Is there anything that has contributed to these strengths? 
  • What are my child’s needs at home and in the community? 
  • What are my short term educational objectives for my child? 
  • What are my longer term educational goals for my child? 
  • Have I noticed any changes in behaviour in my child? If so, have I noticed any patterns or reasons for the behaviour?
  • What are strategies that I am using at home that have been successful? 
  • What tools/strategies/services will help my child learn?

Questions you may have for the Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting, especially if your child is new to school or newly identified as special needs may include:  

  • What does a typical day look like for my child? 
  • The diagnosis is recent and I am trying to understand that my child has special needs. What does my child’s diverse learning needs mean to his/her education?  
  • What is the role of the Education Assistant or other school and/or district staff working with my child? 
  • What does an inclusive support look like for my child? 
  • Is this something that I can use at home?  What are the next steps and how does the school and parent work together?