Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Hearing loss affects a large proportion of students at various points of their school life. It is often an invisible obstacle to learning for young students and is not cured with hearing equipment alone.

The importance of clear consistent communication in school age children is monumental in developing proper language and cognitive abilities. Hearing is a first-order event for and spoken language and learning. A strong spoken language base is essential for reading.  Children with no early intervention with their hearing loss and those who are diagnosed with hearing loss late lag behind socially, emotionally and academically.

For all children who are hard of hearing and deaf (implanted) it is necessary to provide intensive work on auditory skill development to function in school and socially.

Role of the Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing:

  • Equipment management
  • Inservice to teacher’s on how to use the equipment as well as its limitations and impact on a child’s education. Also, explain the type of hearing level and how it affects each student’s understanding of Language and Speech, Social Impact and Potential Educational Needs.
  • Assessment to determine level of function in language and all areas
  • Goal development: based on assessment results
  • IEP development : organization and running of meeting, contacting all relevant parties
  • Intensive one on one academic support will be necessary if language and educational delays are present.
  • Use of sign language or a visual communication system by children with substantial language delays or additional learning needs, to access linguistically complex instruction.
  • Note-taking, captioned films, and other needed accommodations
  • Ongoing monitoring/ hearing screenings for undetected hearing loss in students – especially Kindergarten students and students who are falling behind academically
  • Self-advocacy and educational brochures and presentations pertaining to each individual child’s hearing level
  • Classroom Listening Environment Assessment