Curriculum & Assessment

Curriculum & Assessment

The curriculum division is part of the Learning Services department in our district. Our aim is to provide support for teachers & students in all aspects of curriculum & assessment.

This includes support with:

Assessment for, as & of learning in the classroom 

  • District numeracy & literacy assessments
  • Planning for instruction that includes ALL learners in the classroom
  • Implementation of UDL practices 
  • Planning of UDL units and lessons across curriculum
  • Development of assessment tools such as rubrics
  • Understanding of provincially developed tools such as The Performance Standards
  • Coaching in literacy & numeracy
  • Collaboration projects with groups of educators
  • On-going participation in Networks of Inquiry and Indigenous Education, a provincial organization
  • On-going professional development opportunities and inservices on topics related to curriculum for all district staff
  • Implementation & understanding of the BC curriculum K-12
  • District supported resources including myBlueprint & Mathletics

Staff in our division Includes District:

Principal of Curriculum & Assessment

Vice-Principal of Early Learning & Reading Recovery Program

Numeracy Support Teacher

Literacy Support Teacher

ELL Support Teachers

For resources and further information: